10 Results
Zagreb, Zvonimirova, uređen dvosoban stan 31 m2
540 € / month
Square of the Victims of Fascism, 10113 City of Zagreb, Croatia
1 room
Tkalčićeva ulica, jednosoban stan na 2. katu
700 € / month
Zagreb, Donji Grad, Klaićeva, dvosoban stan površine 45.29 m2
Zagreb, Centar, funkcionalan dvosoban stan NKP 35 m2
750 € / month
Flat in a building - rent - Centar - 5794.1
1000 € / month
Vončinina, 10101 City of Zagreb, Croatia
Stan Martićeva ulica
1373 € / month
Garden, Ulica fra Grge Martića 12, 10101 City of Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb, Ilica, moderan dvosoban stan NKP 87 m2 + GPM
1400 € / month
Zagreb, Centar, Mihanovićeva, uređen dvosoban stan NKP 89 m2
1500 € / month
Zagreb, Centar, dvosoban stan NKP 90 m2
1900 € / month
Caffe Petit 2, Trg Drage Iblera, 10101 City of Zagreb, Croatia
Modern and Design Apartment near the Main Square
2078 € / month
Garderoba, Ulica fra Grge Martića 17, 10101 City of Zagreb, Croatia