45 Results
Stan najam Šestinski dol 73 m2 + GPM
800 € / month
Šetalište Antona Štifanića, 52441 Grad Poreč, Croatia
3 rooms
Buje 3-soban stan za najam radnicima, stan/apartman, površina 60m2, za najam
Grad Buje, Istarska ulica 2, 52460 Buje, Croatia
Labin, 2S+DB, 65m2, 780€+režije, stan, površina 65m2, za najam
780 € / month
Ulica Matije Vlačića Ilirika, 52230 Grad Labin, Croatia
UMAG, STELLA MARIS - 2S+DB za najam (režije uračunate)
1000 € / month
unnamed road, 52470 Umag, Croatia
Istria, Štinjan, rental of second floor three bedroom luxuriously furnished apartment 110m2
1500 € / month
Hrvatska poštanska banka, Trg Slobode 14, 52440 Grad Poreč, Croatia
Istria, Antonci: Renting a three-bedroom first-floor apartment with a pool and spacious yard.
1085 € / month
Grad Poreč, Istria County, Croatia
Istra, Rovinj, prostrani stan 130m2 s tri spavaće sobe na drugom katu stambene zgrade
1800 € / month
Carduccijeva ulica 8, 52210 Grad Rovinj, Croatia
ISTRA, PAZIN - Najam stana za radnike
Staropazinski put 5E, 52000 Pazin, Croatia
Istria, Štinjan, long-term rental of first floor luxurious 110m² apartment with three bedrooms
Istra, Štinjan, najam luksuznog stana 110m2 na drugom katu s tri spavaće sobe
Kašćuni, 52107 Grad Pula, Croatia
Istria, Rovinj – Spacious 130m² 2nd floor Apartment with Three Bedrooms and parking space
Grad Rovinj, Istria County, Croatia
Pula, beautiful three bedroom apartment for long-term rent NKP 165 m2, first row to the sea
2200 € / month
Mezanin, 52103 Grad Pula, Croatia
Istria, Peroj, long-term rent of a three-room apartment, NKP 116.55 m2
1200 € / month
Turistička zajednica Grada Vodnjana, Narodni trg 10, 52215 Vodnjan, Croatia
Rabac, 2S+DB, 65m2, 950€+režije, stan, površina 65m2, za najam
950 € / month
Plominska 2, 52221 Grad Labin, Croatia
Istra, Antonci, najam trosobnog stana na prvom katu s bazenom i velikom okućnicom
50046, 52446 Grad Poreč, Croatia
Istra, Pula,moderan četverosoban stan NKP 11O m2, garaža, blizina centra
Valdebečki put 94, 52100 Grad Pula, Croatia
ISTRIA, PULA - Master's apartment in the city center with a terrace for long-term rent!
Istria, Pula, four-room apartment 95 m2 for rent in the very center of the city with garage PM
ISTRA, PULA - 2S+DB, uredan stan za najam
750 € / month
Humska, 52109 Grad Pula, Croatia
Istra, Štinjan, dugoročni najam luksuznog stana 110m2 na drugom katu s tri spavaće sobe
Istra, Pula, četverosoban stan 95 m2 za najam u samom centru grada s garažnim PM
Narodni trg, 52102 Grad Pula, Croatia